構造エピゲノム研究会 国際シンポジウム
■日 時:2011年1月29日(土)
■場 所:はまぎんホール・ヴィアマーレ(横浜市西区みなとみらい3-1-1)
構造エピゲノム研究会発起人代表 西村善文
横浜市立大学大学院 生命ナノシステム科学研究科
Tel: 045-508-7530 Fax: 045-508-7362
9:30-9:50 | Opening Remarks: Yoshifumi Nishimura (YCU) |
9:50-10:20 | Peter Wright (Scripps, USA) Recognition of epigenomic marks by zinc finger proteins |
10:20-10:50 | Richard W. Kriwacki (St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA) Post-translational Modifications and Protein Flexibility in Regulation of Apoptosis; Implications for Epigenetics |
10:50-11:20 | Norman Davey (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany) Viral Reprogramming Of Host Post Translational Modification By Motif Mimicry |
11:20-11:50 | Mamoru Sato (YCU) Protonation and deprotonation of protein revealed by X-ray and neutron crystallography |
11:50-12:20 | Dmitri Svergun (EMBL Hamburg, Germany) Structure analysis of macromolecular solutions by small angle X-ray scattering |
12:20-13:20 | --------Lunch-------- |
13:20-13:50 | Keith Dunker (Indiana Univ., USA) Importance of Protein Intrinsic Disorder for Sites of Post Translational Modification |
13:50-14:20 | Peter Tompa (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Unusual binding modes of intrinsically disordered proteins |
14:20-14:50 | Yasushi Hiraoka (Osaka Univ.) A role for non-coding RNA in homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis |
14:50-15:20 | Jon Widom (Northwestern University, USA) Nucleosome positioning and chromosome structure from archaebacteria to man. |
15:20-15:40 | --------Intermission-------- |
15:40-16:10 | Jeff Hayes (Rochester University, USA) Role of specific histone tail acetylation in higher order chromatin structure. |
16:10-16:40 | Stefan Dimitrov (Institut Albert Bonniot, France) The oncogenic Aurora kinases: from structure to mitotic functions |
16:40-17:10 | Genviève Almouzni (Curie Institute, France) Chromatin assembly, lessons from the mouse centromere |
17:10-17:40 | Paul Wade (NIH, USA) Mi-2/NuRD complex in chromatin assembly and S phase progression. |
17:40-18:00 | Closing Remarks: Hitoshi Kurumizaka (Waseda Univ.) |